Tak už i já jsem bakalář! Cesta k tomu byla strnitá a poměrně dlouhá (5 let od maturity). Po nevydařené VŠE jsem vlastně už ani tolik nepospíchala. Erasmus byl můj dlouhodobý sen a jet potom do Peru mělo hodně důvodů a zpětně jsem moc ráda, že jsem tohle vše podnikla.
Možná mnoho lidí říká, že je ta škola toho moc nenaučila. Já si myslím opak. I když praxe je pro mě hodně důležitá a ta škola ji často nenabízí, ani nepodporuje, já vím, že kdybych nestudovala, tak bych se nedostala k věcem a příležitostem, které jsem za tu dobu zažila. A i když hodně věcí jsem se naučila samostudiem, to bylo taky inspirováno školou. A co dalšího mě studium naučilo? Trpělivosti, pokoře, vytrvalosti, cenění si dobrých přátel, lásce k španělsky mluvícím zemím, vztahu k Liberci a uznání, že sedm pater se dá vyjít bez výtahu i v pátek v sedm ráno, ale není to nic, co bych chtěla dělat pravidelně :)
Takže se loučím s Libercem a další etapa studia mě čeká v Olomouci, na Filozofické Fakultě :) Jsem na to zvědavá, těším se, ale zároveň mě to děsí.
Tak se tu třeba podělím o nějaké poznatky a o hezké kavárny, které stojí za návštěvu. Něco podobného bych chtěla napsat ještě o Liberci, tak snad se k tomu dostanu :)
So I finally graduated with a bachelor's degree! The road wasn't easy and short (5 years from high school). After being at a different university in Prague first, I wasn't in a hurry. Studying abroad had always been my dream and going volunteering to the US and Peru afterwards was just an answer to my dreams and I am really glad I did all of this.
Many people might say that getting a degree didn't teach them much or didn't bring that much advantage for their lives. However, I think the opposite. Although the practical side of everything is way more important for me and the school didn't really offer it or support it, I know that if I didn't study, I wouldn't get the opportunities I had. And eventhough I learned many things myself, the act of learning was inspired by my school. And what else did my university teach me? Patience, humbleness, perserverance, the importance of good friends, love for Spanish speaking countries, love for Liberec and the realization that you can walk the stairs to the 7th floor on Friday at 7 am but it's nothing I would love to do regularly :)
So I am saying goodbye to Liberec and another stage of my studies is awaiting me in Olomouc on the philosofical faculty :) I am really excited but also scared.
In the following two years, I might be sharing some notes on living in Olomouc and some recommendations for good cafés. I also want to write some places worth visiting in Liberec so stay tuned! :)
So I finally graduated with a bachelor's degree! The road wasn't easy and short (5 years from high school). After being at a different university in Prague first, I wasn't in a hurry. Studying abroad had always been my dream and going volunteering to the US and Peru afterwards was just an answer to my dreams and I am really glad I did all of this.
Many people might say that getting a degree didn't teach them much or didn't bring that much advantage for their lives. However, I think the opposite. Although the practical side of everything is way more important for me and the school didn't really offer it or support it, I know that if I didn't study, I wouldn't get the opportunities I had. And eventhough I learned many things myself, the act of learning was inspired by my school. And what else did my university teach me? Patience, humbleness, perserverance, the importance of good friends, love for Spanish speaking countries, love for Liberec and the realization that you can walk the stairs to the 7th floor on Friday at 7 am but it's nothing I would love to do regularly :)
So I am saying goodbye to Liberec and another stage of my studies is awaiting me in Olomouc on the philosofical faculty :) I am really excited but also scared.
In the following two years, I might be sharing some notes on living in Olomouc and some recommendations for good cafés. I also want to write some places worth visiting in Liberec so stay tuned! :)
Thank you for your lovely comments!! If you have any questions, send me an email on travelwithgeorgie@gmail.com :)