Opět jsem dostala email, který se tvářil, jako pěkná poptávka po aupair s velmi krásným platovým ohodnocením. Jenomže, málem jsem se jednou spálila a od té doby jsem se už naučila rozlišovat ty opravdové emaily a spamy.
Zde vám shrnu několik znaků obyčejného spamu:
Když to shrnu, tak když vám dojde žádost od rodiny, která se zdá strašně ideální a nabízí hodně peněz, tak to je spam...
No, já jsem se málem tentokrát nechala napálit... došel mi docela neškodnej mail:
subject : Your Profile Was Shortlisted on www.aupair.com
Message : Dear Au pair, We are an easygoing couple with a happy, fun, and healthy kid. We saw your profile on www.aupair.com and decided to contact you on the possibility of becoming our new family member. We are looking for someone who likes to do their own thing and doesn't have a problem staying home, although there is a car here for you. We spend 3 months at a beach house in East London each year. We have had an Au pair before and it was wonderful. Our son is so much fun and this age is adorable! You will have the chance to really impact his life since he is so impressionable now. We are only interested in hiring someone who is willing to work in the UK. All Travel expenses shall be borne by us and we shall also provide fully furnished live in or live out accommodation. Write us soonest with your picture/resume, introduction and how soon you can start as we need a Au pair that can start as soon as possible. You can contact us via email - martins_drelvis@londonmail.com or call me on +44 702 409 4777 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 702 409 4777 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or give me a direct mobile number to reach you with so that we can discuss further. Martins Family
This message is sent to you by family . Click here to view the profile.
!! Warning !!
DO NOT SEND any MONEY, Checks, Western Union or MoneyGram payments in advance to any Host Family or Travel Agent!
- - - velice neškodný email, vypadal, jako kdyby přišel přes agenturu, i když přišel z nějakého divného mailu, ale i s tím varováním vypadal prostě věrohodně... :D
to Click here mi nefungovalo, což mě docela naštvalo. A divila sem se, že mi tam dávají telefon... ale co... v některých agenturách to tak je...
tak sem jim odepsala, že mi na to kliknout nejde, a že nemůžu as soon as possible, že můžu až za měsíc... a co oni na to??
Dear Au pair,
We have decided to find an Au pair because we need help looking after
our child. We are looking for an Au pair to be a big sister or brother
to our child and to become another member of our family.
We close our profile because we have found you and don't want any
aupair to contact us again.
My name is Dr Elvis Martins and I am 40 years old, Am the EXECUTIVE
CHEF Manager of Hotel De Casto London. My spouse Mary is thirty three
years old and works as a Nurse.
We live in a four bedroom house in 41 Davies Street,London, M1K 5DA
United Kingdom and have one son Eric age 2 years old.
Eric likes to go to the parks once a week and we would like you to take
We will require you to take care of Eric for about 30hrs a week. You
will have weekends free and we will pay you £500 per week pocket money
which we will give to you every Friday.
Our residence is very open and near the city and there are other au
pairs close by. There is also a good language school and we will
encourage you to go for lessons there to learn English if you wish to.
In the area there is one pub full of young people, a shop/post office
and a hall where people get together to have parties. There is also a
bus stop outside our house with direct access into the city center.
You will have your own bedroom and your own bathroom either live in or
live out fully furnished , plus desk phone and computer system with
We do not have any pets and we do not smoke.
We need an Au pair to start with us soon and stay until at least 6
months or more. We will need you to drive our second car if you can and
we shall arrange some driving lessons for you when you arrive. You may
use this car for taking the children to school, going to your English
classes and for your private use.
Do tell us when you will be free to start up duties with us.And do send
your resume and pictures for perusal.
We are a fun young family looking for a kind hearted fun Au pair to mix
in with our family.
Our family shall pay for all travel expenses okay hence If you are
interested and would consider being our Au pair please let me know as
soon as you can so that I can make the necessary inquiries and get back
to you.
Yours sincerely
Dr Elvis Martins
uděláme si malý rozbor:
v každým případě je skoro nejjednodušší, když něco podezřelého dostanete, dát do google nějakou frázi z toho, mail, nebo adresu... a ono se vám něco najde...
já našla jednu stránku, kde toho je celkem dost, tak ji sem dám... třeba tam taky něco najdete... :)
Zde vám shrnu několik znaků obyčejného spamu:
- předmět: AUPAIR/NANNY NEEDED ... většinou je to napsaný velkým písmem a v nějaké takové podobě...
- hned ze začátku emailu se představují jako Mr Garry Rowland nebo Dr Elivs Martins... prostě před tím jménem něco mají
- email často obsahuje přesnou adresu... někde jsem četla, že to bývají baráky na prodej, nebo pronájem... navíc: kdo by dával hned v prvním mailu svoji adresu?? obzvlášť by to bylo překvapující u angličanů, kteří si dbají na své soukromí...
- občas i dají telefon... škoda, že jsem tak líná a nechce se mi vyhazovat peníze za pokec s nimi... :D
- kapesné je vždycky přehnané a často rozepsané na týden a měsíc, jako např: "I will be giving the some of 1800 pounds per month with a weekly allowance of 350 pounds every week"
- často mi i došel mail, kde mi nabízeli plat v dolarech, zatímco práce byla v Londýně... no comment
- když si s nimi začnete psát, tak vás odkážou na travel agenta, který vám zařídí víza, ale musíte mu předem poslat peníze...
Když to shrnu, tak když vám dojde žádost od rodiny, která se zdá strašně ideální a nabízí hodně peněz, tak to je spam...
No, já jsem se málem tentokrát nechala napálit... došel mi docela neškodnej mail:
subject : Your Profile Was Shortlisted on www.aupair.com
Message : Dear Au pair, We are an easygoing couple with a happy, fun, and healthy kid. We saw your profile on www.aupair.com and decided to contact you on the possibility of becoming our new family member. We are looking for someone who likes to do their own thing and doesn't have a problem staying home, although there is a car here for you. We spend 3 months at a beach house in East London each year. We have had an Au pair before and it was wonderful. Our son is so much fun and this age is adorable! You will have the chance to really impact his life since he is so impressionable now. We are only interested in hiring someone who is willing to work in the UK. All Travel expenses shall be borne by us and we shall also provide fully furnished live in or live out accommodation. Write us soonest with your picture/resume, introduction and how soon you can start as we need a Au pair that can start as soon as possible. You can contact us via email - martins_drelvis@londonmail.com or call me on +44 702 409 4777 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 702 409 4777 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or give me a direct mobile number to reach you with so that we can discuss further. Martins Family
This message is sent to you by family . Click here to view the profile.
!! Warning !!
DO NOT SEND any MONEY, Checks, Western Union or MoneyGram payments in advance to any Host Family or Travel Agent!
- - - velice neškodný email, vypadal, jako kdyby přišel přes agenturu, i když přišel z nějakého divného mailu, ale i s tím varováním vypadal prostě věrohodně... :D
to Click here mi nefungovalo, což mě docela naštvalo. A divila sem se, že mi tam dávají telefon... ale co... v některých agenturách to tak je...
tak sem jim odepsala, že mi na to kliknout nejde, a že nemůžu as soon as possible, že můžu až za měsíc... a co oni na to??
Dear Au pair,
We have decided to find an Au pair because we need help looking after
our child. We are looking for an Au pair to be a big sister or brother
to our child and to become another member of our family.
We close our profile because we have found you and don't want any
aupair to contact us again.
My name is Dr Elvis Martins and I am 40 years old, Am the EXECUTIVE
CHEF Manager of Hotel De Casto London. My spouse Mary is thirty three
years old and works as a Nurse.
We live in a four bedroom house in 41 Davies Street,London, M1K 5DA
United Kingdom and have one son Eric age 2 years old.
Eric likes to go to the parks once a week and we would like you to take
We will require you to take care of Eric for about 30hrs a week. You
will have weekends free and we will pay you £500 per week pocket money
which we will give to you every Friday.
Our residence is very open and near the city and there are other au
pairs close by. There is also a good language school and we will
encourage you to go for lessons there to learn English if you wish to.
In the area there is one pub full of young people, a shop/post office
and a hall where people get together to have parties. There is also a
bus stop outside our house with direct access into the city center.
You will have your own bedroom and your own bathroom either live in or
live out fully furnished , plus desk phone and computer system with
We do not have any pets and we do not smoke.
We need an Au pair to start with us soon and stay until at least 6
months or more. We will need you to drive our second car if you can and
we shall arrange some driving lessons for you when you arrive. You may
use this car for taking the children to school, going to your English
classes and for your private use.
Do tell us when you will be free to start up duties with us.And do send
your resume and pictures for perusal.
We are a fun young family looking for a kind hearted fun Au pair to mix
in with our family.
Our family shall pay for all travel expenses okay hence If you are
interested and would consider being our Au pair please let me know as
soon as you can so that I can make the necessary inquiries and get back
to you.
Yours sincerely
Dr Elvis Martins
uděláme si malý rozbor:
- první odstavec se zdá být v pořádku, ale co máme dál??
- We close our profile because we have found you and don't want any aupair to contact us again.
- trochu divný, že by věřili, že k nim pujdu, navíc když můžu až za měsíc a nic sem neslíbila, zas tak moc toho o mně vědět nemůžou, ale když to vezmeme tak, že už se jim za to nechtělo platit, tak bodejť... jdeme dál...
- My name is Dr Elvis Martins and I am 40 years old, Am the EXECUTIVE CHEF Manager of Hotel De Casto London. My spouse Mary is thirty three years old and works as a Nurse. We live in a four bedroom house in 41 Davies Street,London, M1K 5DA United Kingdom and have one son Eric age 2 years old.
- tak, máme tu typický představování... DR + celý jméno, přesně vypsané zaměstnání a hlavně! celá adresa... vážně - proč by mi ji hned dávali??
- We will require you to take care of Eric for about 30hrs a week. You will have weekends free and we will pay you £500 per week pocket money which we will give to you every Friday.
- 500liber??? dobře... minimum je 65 za 25hodin, průměr 80, dost rodin dává 100, ty bohatší, kde se ale i víc pracuje daj 150 a nejvíc, co sem kdy viděla je 200... ale 500??? to trochu přeháněj... :D zajímalo by mě, co všechno je obsahem tý práce...
- Our family shall pay for all travel expenses okay hence If you are interested and would consider being our Au pair please let me know as soon as you can so that I can make the necessary inquiries and get back to you.
- dál už ten email docela ujde, až na ty travel expenses, který platí jenom pár rodin a vzhledem k tomu, že nabízej tak vysoký kapesný, tak bych se divila, že by mi chtěli platit ještě něco... navíc nerozumim slovíčku "hence", ale to je možná můj nedostatek, ale přijde mi, že ta věta je celkově divně formulovaná...
v každým případě je skoro nejjednodušší, když něco podezřelého dostanete, dát do google nějakou frázi z toho, mail, nebo adresu... a ono se vám něco najde...
já našla jednu stránku, kde toho je celkem dost, tak ji sem dám... třeba tam taky něco najdete... :)
Mějte se hezky a nenechte se napálit... :)
zvláštní já bych to asi nepoznala že jde o spam:D jsem asi moc naivní :D
OdpovědětVymazatTaky jsem o tom kdysi psala podobný článek na svém jiném blogu :-) http://miss-sweetie.blog.cz/0911/podvodne-emaily-pro-au-pair