Tak dneska mám pro vás další kupu fotek :D
Jeden z minulých víkendů jsme se vydaly s Inou a Anni do centra. Neměly jsme extra plán, ale šly jsme se podívat na Tower Bridge a pak na Spitalfields Market. Po cestě jsme se ještě rozhodly podívat se na tu modrou budovu, co vypadá jako vosí hnízdo. Spitalfields market byl moc hezký, nejlepší byly stánky s jídlem ;) takže jsem neodolala a koupila jsem si jeden cupcake. Byl drahý, ale naprosto výborný!! Ina nás potom opustila, musela hlídat. Ale Anni a já, jsme se vydaly dál. Prošly jsme Back Yard Market, který byl moc zajímavý, měli tam třeba misky z vinylových gramodesek, zašly si do parku odpočinout si, užít si sluníčko a najíst se a pak si prošly Brick Lane. Mezitím jsme narazila na chlápky u auta, co rozdávali zázvorové pivo, tak jsem si jedno vzala, ale byla to spíš limonáda (mělo to 0.5% alkoholu). Ale bylo dobrý :) a co se dělo dál, to se dozvíte příště... ;)
sS today I have a bunch of pictures for you again :D one of the weekends in the past, Ina, Anni and I went to the city centre. We didn't really have any plan but we went to the Tower Bridge and then to see the Spitalfields Market. On the way we decided to stop by the building in the shape of wasp's nest. Spitalfields market was really nice. The best stalls were with the food ;) so I couldn't resist and bought one cupcake. It was quite expensive but delicious!! and the people selling it were really nice. It was a small family business. Ina left us then, she had to go back to look after the kids but Anni and I continued. We saw the Backyard market, they had quite funny stuff there. For example bowls from vinyls. We went to a park to have a rest, enjoy the sun and eat and then we went through the Brick Lane street. We also met guys giving away ginger beers so I took one and tried it but it was more like a lemonade (it had 0.5% of alcohol) but it was good :) and I will tell you next time about the rest... ;)
Thank you for your lovely comments!! If you have any questions, send me an email on travelwithgeorgie@gmail.com :)