Posílám pozdravy ze Španělska!!
už jsem v Burgosu a hned zkraje musím říct, že se mi tu moc líbí! :)
...ale vezmeme to popořadě.
V sobotu jsem letěla z Prahy do Barcelony. Na letišti při čekání na odbavení jsem potkala spolužačku Báru. Myslela jsem, že měla letět až v neděli, tak jsem byla ráda, že letíme spolu. Hned jsem si jí postěžovala, že můj kufr váží asi o 1-2kg víc, než by měl, a že asi budu platit za nadváhu. Nakonec ale můj kufr vážil 23,7kg, povoleno bylo 23kg, a paní za přepážkou nic neřekla. Tak jsem měla velkou radost. Ušetřila jsem 12euro! :)
Let byl docela dobrý, letadlo poloprázdné, jen nás teda chytlo pár turbulencí, při kterých jsem si trochu přišla jako na horské dráze. Vnitřnosti mi skákaly nahoru a dolu :D Po přistání jsem zase měla asi ještě 3 hodiny zalehlé levé ucho, zkoušela jsem se toho zbavit vším možným, než mě napadlo, že bych se třeba mohla vysmrkat. Pak mě to pustilo :)
Bára měla jet do Burgosu už ten večer, teda vlastně přes noc. Já jsem přespávala Teresy, která mě i přijela autem vyzvednout na letiště. Řekla jsem Báře, že bychom ji mohli třeba na ten autobusák dovézt a já bych si tam koupila lístek na sobotu, protože mi nešel zarezervovat na internet. Teresa samozřejmě souhlasila, ale hned se ptala, proč Bára taky nepřespí, proč jsme to tak nevymyslely. Tak jsem říkala, že jsem nevěděla, že poletíme spolu. Nicméně jsme teda zajely na autobusák, Teresa se zeptala, jestli by Báry jízdenka nešla přerezervovat, a šla, tak jsme to provedly a já jsem si koupila lístek. Tak jsme s dobrým pocitem jely k ní.
Večer jsme se šly ještě projít po té čtvrti - St.Andreu, protože jsme se dozvěděly, že v neděli jsou skoro všechny obchody zavřené, a potřebovaly jsme nějaké jídlo na naši dlouhou cestu. Já jsem si ještě chtěla koupit simkartu, ale nesehnala jsem ji, tak jsme aspoň nakoupily to jídlo.
Večeře byla kvůli nám brzo! :D teda... byla už v devět :) resp. čtvrt na deset. Ale byla dobrá a velká, což jsem tentokrát velmi ocenila - i Bára. Byly jsme z letadla už dost vyhládlé.
Dozvěděly jsme se zase o něco víc o snahách a důvodech pro osamocení Katalánska :)
Večeře nakonec končila asi v půl jedenácté. Španělé prostě nepospíchají :) obzvlášť ne v sobotu :) tak jsme pak ještě chvíli byly vzhůru, ale okolo půlnoci jsme padly únavou.
V neděli nás v šest ráno vzbudil pípající budík, ke kterému celkem nahlas začalo mluvit rádio. Tyto zvuky vycházely pravděpodobně z vedlejší místnosti, která je používána jako pracovna. Čekaly jsme, že to někdo vypne, ale dlouho se nic nedělo. Takže po pěti minutách jsem to přestala řešit a snažila se znovu usnout :) Úplně to nešlo, ale co se dalo dělat. Tyto zvuky naštěstí po cca půlhodině skončily, ale na druhou stranu už se blížil čas vyzvánění našich budíků.
Sbalily jsme kufry, nacpaly to, nasnídaly se, vyfasovaly jsme svačinu, rozloučily jsme se, a vyrazily na metro. Moc nás potěšilo, že metro bylo v podstatě za rohem, protože jsme už byly hotové - tahání těch kufrů nebylo moc příjemné. Na druhou stranu do metra nevedly eskalátory, tak jsme musely ty naše kufry snést. Naprosto vyčerpané jsme si tam sedly a asi 8 minut čekaly na metro.
Autobusák jsme už naštěstí našly, takže jsme našly stanoviště, chvilku počkaly, hodily si kufry do zavazadlového prostoru a chtěly nastoupit.
Já měla v ruce tu moji příruční tašku ve velikosti příručního kufr. A pan autobusák mě nechtěl pustit dovnitř. Začal vykládat něco v tom smyslu, že ta taška se mi nad hlavu nevejde, a že to nejde a ta. Tak jsem řekla, že to nevadí, že si ji dám pod nohy. A to on, že né, že to se nesmí, že se tam pak nedá pohybovat nebo co a kdesi a cosi, a že reglas jsou reglas, teda pardon, zákony jsou zákony, a že to nejde. Tak jsem jako nechápala, co chce dělat, jestli jako nemůžu jet, nebo co. Tak jsem se nakonec zeptala, co teda můžu dělat, a on, ať si tu tašku dám ke kufru. Tak jsem si oddychla, nečekala jsem, že to bude tak jednoduchý, to přece mohl říct rovnou!! Nemusel vykládat, co nemůžu, ale mohl říct prostě a jednoduše, co mám dělat :) nicméně jsem si teda ještě do tašky k sobě vyndala nějaké jídlo a tentokrát už bez problému nastoupila do autobusu.
Docela jsem si uvědomila, že pro lidi, co neumí španělsky, to může být dost problém. Pan řidič na nás mluvil španělsky, a jedna slečna v autobusu se nás vždy musela ptát, protože nerozuměla.
Cesta byla v podstatě fajn. Autobus byl skoro prázdný. My jsme byly v čtvrté řadě a skoro celou cestu za náma nikdo neseděl, tak jsme si mohly bez výčitek sklopit sedačky a spát. Takže jsme v podstatě celou cestu střídavě spaly, dívaly se na krajinu, fotily si ji, snažily se usnout, spaly, povídaly si, a tak... :) bavilo mě dívat se z okna. Je to tady prostě naprosto jiné. Fascinuje mě každá obyčejná zřícenina. Celý den navíc krásně svítilo slunce a bylo okolo desíti stupňů. Čim víc jsme ale jeli do vnitrozemí, tím víc bylo větrných elektráren, a ke konci dokonce sníh!! To je snad poprve, co vidím ve Španělsku na vlastní oči sníh mimo hory :)
V Burgosu jsme byly včas, já jsem si ještě dala notebook do kufru, jinak bych tu tašku neunesla - byla neuvěřitelně těžká. Před autobusákem jsme přemýšlely, kudy se každá z nás vydá. Já jsem vlastně skoro vůbec nevěděla. Měla jsem se dostat ke svému hostiteli z couchsurfingu, a věděla jsem, že pěšky tam nedojdu, je to daleko. Věděla jsem adresu a den předem jsem zkoumala, jak se k němu dostat, jenomže jsem na mapách nemohla najít zastávky. Takže jsem si vytipovala jen jeden autobus, který zastavoval v ulici, ve které bydlel. A ten odjížděl z Plaza de España. Tam jsem ale nevěděla, jak se dostanu. Nějaký pán před autobusákem se nás zeptal, kam se potřebujeme dostal, a řekl mi, že Plaza de España je blízko, že to jsou dvě ulice tímto směrem, a někam mávl rukou. Když pak viděl teda můj kufr, tak si už nebyl jistý, jestli to je tak blízko, ale řekl, že to je v pohodě, a odešel. Já jsem se teda vydala tím směrem. Po cestě jsem narazila na mapu, tak jsem ještě trochu změnila směr, a zanedlouho jsem na Plaza de España dorazila. Dvě ulice to nebyly, ale extra daleko taky ne :) Tam jsem se zase ptala nějakých lidí na zastávce, jestli ten autobus jede na tu zastávku, kam potřebuji, a oni, že jo. Měla jsem pocit, že podle plánku ten autobus pojede dlouho, tak jsem se uvelebila, sledovala cestu, a najednou jsem si všimla, že už jsme v Avenida de la Constitución, tak jsem jen tak koukala, a říkala si, jestli mám vystoupit. A najednou ten autobus na zastávce zastavil (zastavuje jinak jen na znamení), a stál s otevřenýma dveřma, přitom nikdo z něho nevystupoval, ani nenastupoval - co jsem si teda všimla. Tak jsem to vzala jako znamení a vyběhla jsem z toho autobusu... teda - představte si vyběhnutí s kabelkou, taškou přes ramena a pěkně těžkým kufrem ;) odtamtud jsem jen trochu popošla a našla byt mého hostitele.
U hostitele jsem ale bohužel zjistila, že má internet jen na svůj notebook. Na mém nefungoval, takže se to ukázalo jako docela problém pro mě. Nemohla jsem hledat ubytování, ani nějak komunikovat se světem. Naštěstí mě ale pak se svojí přítelkyní vzali na pivo do jednoho zajímavého baru/fastfoodu s mořskýma potvorama. To bylo zajímavé zpestření večera. Pak jsem se jen už koukla na film a šla spát :)
Greetings from Spain!!
I am now in Burgos and I must say right in the beginning that I really like it here! :)
...but let's take it one after another...
On Saturday I flew from Prague to Barcelona. At the airport in Prague while waiting for the check-in I met my classmate Bára. I thought she was going to Spain on Sunday so I was nicely surprised. We started talking and I had to complain about the weight of my suitcase because at home I found out it was way too have and I would have to pay for the excess weight :/ Luckily in the end my suitcase was 23,7kg and I could have had 23kg. The lady behind the counter didn't say anything so imagine how happy I was :) I saved 12 euros! :)
The flight was ok, the plane half-empty, we just got some turbulences which made me feel as if I was on the rollercoaster. Bára had her ticket for the bus to Burgos for that night and had to go from the airport to the centre by public transport so I offered that my friend Teresa who was coming to pick me up could take her there and I would buy a ticket for Saturday because it didn't work on the internet. When I asked Teresa she naturally agreed but asked why hadn't I told her earlier that Bára could sleep there as well. WE told her that we didn't know and that we might try to change the ticket. So we tried and it was possible so all of us went to her flat.
In the evening we went for a walk in that neigbourhood - St.Andreu because we found out that possibly all the shops were closed on Sunday. We needed some food for our long bus journey so we went to a supermarket and bought it. I also wanted to get a sim card for my phone but we couldn't find where to buy it so at least we had the food.
The dinner was soon because of us! :D well... it was "already" at nine ;) or quarter past nine in the end. But it was really good and big which we appreciated because we were quite hungry after the long day.
We also heard a lot about the effort of catalan people to separate from Spain :)
The dinner ended at half past ten. Spanish people aren't in a rush especially on Saturday:) for the meals it's very nice. I think we should learn that. Anyway around mignight we were aboslutely tired out so we fell asleep immediately.
On Sunday morning some alarm clock started beeping in the same time with radio. These sounds were coming probably from the next room. We were waiting for someone to turn it off but nothing was happening. So after five minutes I stopped caring about it and tried to sleep a bit longer :) It wasn't entirely possible but at least I tried a bit. These sounds luckily ended after half an hour but on the other hand our alam was about to start as well.
We packed our suitcases, we had breakfast, we got a snack for the journey, said goodbye and went to the underground. We were glad the the underground was around the corner because our suitcases were incredibely heavy. But we had to carry them down the stairs :/ exhausted we sat down and waited around 8 minutes for our line.
We found the bus station quite easily thanks to being there the day before. We just looked for the right platform, then put the suitcases to the luggage compartment and wanted to get in the bus. I had with me a bag in the size of hand luggage. But the bus driver didn't want to let me in. He started saying that the bag doesn't fit to the space above my head, that I couldn't take it and so on... I said that I could put it under my feet but he didn't like that either. He said "reglas son reglas" - rules are rules, and that I couldn't. He just kept saying something and I didn't know what to do. So I asked him what to do and he told me to put that bag to the luggage compartment as well. Ufff, that was quite easy why couldn't he have said it right away?!! He could have said some time... Anyway I took out some food for the journey, put it into my bag and get into the bus... this time without problems. I was thinking about the people who couldn't speak spanish and would have to deal with people like that. That must be a problem. There was actually a girl who didn't speak spanish so she always asked us. But she didn't know much english either becuase one one stop she came 5-10 minutes later and the bus waited just because we told the bus driver to wait for her...
The journey was ok. The bus was almost empty. We were in the 4th row and there was noone behind us almost the whole journey so we could put our seats down and try to sleep. And we did. We slept, we looked at the landscape which was beautiful (as you can see in the pictures), we took pictures of it, we talked and so on... :) I liked looking out of the window. It's just aboslutely different here. I am fascinated by any ruin. The more we went to the inland the more wind power plants were there, and in the end even the snow!! That was probably the first time I saw snow in Spain except for the mountains :)
It was also nice to go with Bára, it was much more fun not to travel alone :)
We came to Burgos on time, I put my laptop to my suitcase because otherwise my shoulder would die - the bag was very heavy. In front of the bus station it took us some time to thing where to go. I had actually no idea where to go. I had to go to my host from couchsurfing but knew that it was quite far from the city centre and I had to take some bus. And I also knew just one line going there. So I had to get to Plaza de España. But how to get there? One man stopped and asked us where we needed to go so I told him the place. He said that it was very near but then looking at my suitcase he wasn't that sure. But he showed me the direction and I went. Bára went to a hostel so we said goodbye to each other. Plaza España wasn't very far but it wasn't near either. I asked some people on the bus stop if the bus was going in the right direction and they confirmed. I sat down and tried to see where were we going but thought that my bus stop was after a long time. There were several bus stops on Avenida de Constitución where I had to get off but I didn't know exactly where but suddenly the bus stopped and I didn't see anyone coming in or out so I thought that was a sign so I ran away from the bus... well, I "ran" with my suitcase and bag :D you can try to imagine that ;) I walked a bit and came to the building where my host lived.
At my host's I found out that he had the internet connection only for his laptop. It didn't work on mine so that was kind of a problem... I wasn't able to look for accommodation nor talk to my family or friends. Luckily later he took me with his girlfriend for a beer to one interesting bar/fastfood with seafood. It was a nice welcome. Then I just watched a movie and went to bed :)
The flight was ok, the plane half-empty, we just got some turbulences which made me feel as if I was on the rollercoaster. Bára had her ticket for the bus to Burgos for that night and had to go from the airport to the centre by public transport so I offered that my friend Teresa who was coming to pick me up could take her there and I would buy a ticket for Saturday because it didn't work on the internet. When I asked Teresa she naturally agreed but asked why hadn't I told her earlier that Bára could sleep there as well. WE told her that we didn't know and that we might try to change the ticket. So we tried and it was possible so all of us went to her flat.
In the evening we went for a walk in that neigbourhood - St.Andreu because we found out that possibly all the shops were closed on Sunday. We needed some food for our long bus journey so we went to a supermarket and bought it. I also wanted to get a sim card for my phone but we couldn't find where to buy it so at least we had the food.
The dinner was soon because of us! :D well... it was "already" at nine ;) or quarter past nine in the end. But it was really good and big which we appreciated because we were quite hungry after the long day.
We also heard a lot about the effort of catalan people to separate from Spain :)
The dinner ended at half past ten. Spanish people aren't in a rush especially on Saturday:) for the meals it's very nice. I think we should learn that. Anyway around mignight we were aboslutely tired out so we fell asleep immediately.
On Sunday morning some alarm clock started beeping in the same time with radio. These sounds were coming probably from the next room. We were waiting for someone to turn it off but nothing was happening. So after five minutes I stopped caring about it and tried to sleep a bit longer :) It wasn't entirely possible but at least I tried a bit. These sounds luckily ended after half an hour but on the other hand our alam was about to start as well.
We packed our suitcases, we had breakfast, we got a snack for the journey, said goodbye and went to the underground. We were glad the the underground was around the corner because our suitcases were incredibely heavy. But we had to carry them down the stairs :/ exhausted we sat down and waited around 8 minutes for our line.
We found the bus station quite easily thanks to being there the day before. We just looked for the right platform, then put the suitcases to the luggage compartment and wanted to get in the bus. I had with me a bag in the size of hand luggage. But the bus driver didn't want to let me in. He started saying that the bag doesn't fit to the space above my head, that I couldn't take it and so on... I said that I could put it under my feet but he didn't like that either. He said "reglas son reglas" - rules are rules, and that I couldn't. He just kept saying something and I didn't know what to do. So I asked him what to do and he told me to put that bag to the luggage compartment as well. Ufff, that was quite easy why couldn't he have said it right away?!! He could have said some time... Anyway I took out some food for the journey, put it into my bag and get into the bus... this time without problems. I was thinking about the people who couldn't speak spanish and would have to deal with people like that. That must be a problem. There was actually a girl who didn't speak spanish so she always asked us. But she didn't know much english either becuase one one stop she came 5-10 minutes later and the bus waited just because we told the bus driver to wait for her...
The journey was ok. The bus was almost empty. We were in the 4th row and there was noone behind us almost the whole journey so we could put our seats down and try to sleep. And we did. We slept, we looked at the landscape which was beautiful (as you can see in the pictures), we took pictures of it, we talked and so on... :) I liked looking out of the window. It's just aboslutely different here. I am fascinated by any ruin. The more we went to the inland the more wind power plants were there, and in the end even the snow!! That was probably the first time I saw snow in Spain except for the mountains :)
It was also nice to go with Bára, it was much more fun not to travel alone :)
We came to Burgos on time, I put my laptop to my suitcase because otherwise my shoulder would die - the bag was very heavy. In front of the bus station it took us some time to thing where to go. I had actually no idea where to go. I had to go to my host from couchsurfing but knew that it was quite far from the city centre and I had to take some bus. And I also knew just one line going there. So I had to get to Plaza de España. But how to get there? One man stopped and asked us where we needed to go so I told him the place. He said that it was very near but then looking at my suitcase he wasn't that sure. But he showed me the direction and I went. Bára went to a hostel so we said goodbye to each other. Plaza España wasn't very far but it wasn't near either. I asked some people on the bus stop if the bus was going in the right direction and they confirmed. I sat down and tried to see where were we going but thought that my bus stop was after a long time. There were several bus stops on Avenida de Constitución where I had to get off but I didn't know exactly where but suddenly the bus stopped and I didn't see anyone coming in or out so I thought that was a sign so I ran away from the bus... well, I "ran" with my suitcase and bag :D you can try to imagine that ;) I walked a bit and came to the building where my host lived.
At my host's I found out that he had the internet connection only for his laptop. It didn't work on mine so that was kind of a problem... I wasn't able to look for accommodation nor talk to my family or friends. Luckily later he took me with his girlfriend for a beer to one interesting bar/fastfood with seafood. It was a nice welcome. Then I just watched a movie and went to bed :)
mas pekny kufr :)
OdpovědětVymazatahoj Jířo!! ať se ti tam daří:) bára jitka kamarádka u.
OdpovědětVymazatAhoj, vypadá to tam krásně :) Už se těším na další články, i když bych měla spíš psát bakalářku... Ale to zvládnu obojí ;-) Anička BN