V minulém příspěvku jsem si uvědomila, a zhrozila se, že jsem vám během svého loňského pobytu v Londýně vůbec nenapsala o mé lásce k Walpole parku :) žádné fotky, možná jen malá zmínka, ale v podstatě nic. Tak jsem zapátrala v archívech, a našla jsem asi 180 fotek vyfocených ve zmíněném parku. Snažila jsem se jich vybrat co nejméně, ale s tím, abyste viděli co nejvíc z toho parku. Na Londýně prostě parky miluju. A Walpole se mi tolik líbil, protože měl různá zajímavá zákoutí. Měl potůček, jezírko, zahradu růží, staré zdi, atd. Ideální místo na focení, moc fotogenické. A navíc 5 minut od mého domu.
Těším se teda, až ho v pátek uvidím v jeho podzimní verzi. Nedokážu si představit, jak bude vypadat, třeba budu zklamaná, ale já doufám, že ne. Určitě to bude mít něco do sebe. Pak se s vámi podělím :)
In the last post I realized that during my stay in London last year I hadn't shared with you any pictures from Walpole park and hadn't really mentioned my love for this park :) I might have written a little note but really, not much. So I looked into my archives and found around 180 pictures taken in the Walpole park. I tried to choose just few of them but I wanted you to see all the different faces of the park. I just love the parks in London. And I liked especially Walpole because it was quite diverse. It has a brooklet, a pond, a rose garden, some old walls and so on. It's such an ideal placce to take pictures, so photogenic. And most importantly - it was 5 minutes from my house.
I am so looking forward to going there on Friday and seeing the autumn version of it. I can't really imagine how will it look, I might be disappointed but I hope not. It should have still something special, at least the memories. I will tell you then :)
Těším se teda, až ho v pátek uvidím v jeho podzimní verzi. Nedokážu si představit, jak bude vypadat, třeba budu zklamaná, ale já doufám, že ne. Určitě to bude mít něco do sebe. Pak se s vámi podělím :)
In the last post I realized that during my stay in London last year I hadn't shared with you any pictures from Walpole park and hadn't really mentioned my love for this park :) I might have written a little note but really, not much. So I looked into my archives and found around 180 pictures taken in the Walpole park. I tried to choose just few of them but I wanted you to see all the different faces of the park. I just love the parks in London. And I liked especially Walpole because it was quite diverse. It has a brooklet, a pond, a rose garden, some old walls and so on. It's such an ideal placce to take pictures, so photogenic. And most importantly - it was 5 minutes from my house.
I am so looking forward to going there on Friday and seeing the autumn version of it. I can't really imagine how will it look, I might be disappointed but I hope not. It should have still something special, at least the memories. I will tell you then :)
Úžasné fotky! Tam by se mi moc líbilo!