Sobota byl krásný den v Kandern. Zrovna tam byl trh keramiky, tak jsme se tam po výborné snídani, croissantech právě vytažených z trouby, vydaly. Bylo to krásné, mnoho barev, ruční práce, každá věc jiná. Ceny byly na můj vkus mírně vyšší, ale chápu, že ta věc dala dost práce vyrobit a vymyslet. No, podívejte se sami.
Saturday was a beautiful day in Kandern. There was a pottery market that weekend so after a delicious breakfast (croissants just taken out of the oven) we went there to check it out. It was really pretty, many colours, hand made things, each one a bit different. The prices were obviously higher than when you buy an ordinary mug but you need to keep in mind that it took a lot of work to create it. Well, see for yourself.
Po trhu jsme skočili nakoupit jídlo na piknik a neděli a vyrazily jsme do Blauen. Blauen je hora 1165 m.n.m. Je to takový jeden z nejvyšších bodů ve Schwarzwaldu. Až nahoru jsme mohly vyjet autem, byla to kupa serpentýn, kde jsme často nevěděly, jestli tam na nás ze shora nevyjede jiné auto, ale zvládly jsme to v pořádku :)
Byl tam krásný výhled, a zrovna se tam chystali vzlétnout nějací paraglidisti. Tak jsme je chvilku sledovali, vypadalo to krásně, hned bych se přidala :) Pak jsme si šly vyšlápnout na takovou věž s rozhlednou. Pak jsme slezly dolu a daly si piknik! :)
After the market we went to buy some food for our picnic and the next day and off we went to Blauen. Blauen is a 1165 metre high mountain. It is one of the highest peaks in the Black Forest. We got to the top in a car surviving all the turns. Sometimes it was quite dangerous because the road was very narrow and we couldn't see whether there was a car coming from the top. But we managed to get there safe and sound :)
The view was so beautiful!! There were some paragliders getting ready to take off so we watched them for a while. I would immediately join them if I could. It looked so cool. Later we climbed up the observation tower and after that we had our picnic! :)
A na závěr ještě jedna věc, která mě ten den zaujala u školy, kde učí Mer, a kterou jsem pak viděla ještě na více místech. Byl to takový stánek s různými věcmi - marmelády, domácí chleby, ovoce, sirupy... u toho byla jen přidělaná kasička a u každé věci ceny. Člověk k tomu normálně může přijít, hodit do kasičky peníze, a vzít si něco z toho. Je to neuvěřitelné, že si tam lidé důvěřují a jen to tam tak nechají :)
And in the end a thing that I really liked. Near to Mer's school and actually in more places, there was like a small stall with different things - jams, syrups, homemade bread or some fruits... With it there were prices and then a money box. So everyone can come, put money in the box and just take the thing they want. That's incredible! I like that those people trust each other and can do this to gain some money but also let others have delicious homemade things! :)
Saturday was a beautiful day in Kandern. There was a pottery market that weekend so after a delicious breakfast (croissants just taken out of the oven) we went there to check it out. It was really pretty, many colours, hand made things, each one a bit different. The prices were obviously higher than when you buy an ordinary mug but you need to keep in mind that it took a lot of work to create it. Well, see for yourself.
Po trhu jsme skočili nakoupit jídlo na piknik a neděli a vyrazily jsme do Blauen. Blauen je hora 1165 m.n.m. Je to takový jeden z nejvyšších bodů ve Schwarzwaldu. Až nahoru jsme mohly vyjet autem, byla to kupa serpentýn, kde jsme často nevěděly, jestli tam na nás ze shora nevyjede jiné auto, ale zvládly jsme to v pořádku :)
Byl tam krásný výhled, a zrovna se tam chystali vzlétnout nějací paraglidisti. Tak jsme je chvilku sledovali, vypadalo to krásně, hned bych se přidala :) Pak jsme si šly vyšlápnout na takovou věž s rozhlednou. Pak jsme slezly dolu a daly si piknik! :)
After the market we went to buy some food for our picnic and the next day and off we went to Blauen. Blauen is a 1165 metre high mountain. It is one of the highest peaks in the Black Forest. We got to the top in a car surviving all the turns. Sometimes it was quite dangerous because the road was very narrow and we couldn't see whether there was a car coming from the top. But we managed to get there safe and sound :)
The view was so beautiful!! There were some paragliders getting ready to take off so we watched them for a while. I would immediately join them if I could. It looked so cool. Later we climbed up the observation tower and after that we had our picnic! :)
A na závěr ještě jedna věc, která mě ten den zaujala u školy, kde učí Mer, a kterou jsem pak viděla ještě na více místech. Byl to takový stánek s různými věcmi - marmelády, domácí chleby, ovoce, sirupy... u toho byla jen přidělaná kasička a u každé věci ceny. Člověk k tomu normálně může přijít, hodit do kasičky peníze, a vzít si něco z toho. Je to neuvěřitelné, že si tam lidé důvěřují a jen to tam tak nechají :)
And in the end a thing that I really liked. Near to Mer's school and actually in more places, there was like a small stall with different things - jams, syrups, homemade bread or some fruits... With it there were prices and then a money box. So everyone can come, put money in the box and just take the thing they want. That's incredible! I like that those people trust each other and can do this to gain some money but also let others have delicious homemade things! :)
Thank you for your lovely comments!! If you have any questions, send me an email on :)