Dnešní Hongkongský report je ze dne, kdy jsme s Kallen dlouho spaly, pak si daly výborný japonský oběd, a abychom se neflákaly, tak jsme se sešly s jejím kamarádem a vyrazili jsme na kola.
Půjčení kola nás stálo 70 HKD na den, dostali jsme i košíky na požádání a vyrazili jsme. Byla to krásná projížďka z Tai Wai do Tai Po, celou cestu v podstatě po cyklistické trase, takže jsme si to užili, stihli jsme krásný západ slunce, dojeli jsme až k nádrži na pitnou vodu pro Hongkong a pak jsme šli do typické čínské restaurace na večeři :) Kola jsme vrátili na jiném místě, to bylo taky plus, tato možnost. A víc toho asi popisovat nebudu, protože je toho hodně vysvětleno ve videu a také co neřekne video, to řeknou fotky. Nebo naopak? :)
Today's Hong Kong post is from the day when we slept till lunch, then had a delicious Japanese lunch and so that we would make up for the morning we got on the bikes with her friend and went trough Hong Kong on bike paths :)
The bike rent for the day cost 70 HKD, we even got the baskets when we asked and off we went. It was a fun ride from Tai Wai to Tai Po, the whole journey was available on the bike paths which is great because I wouldn't like to go in the real traffic. We enjoyed this trip, we got to see a beautiful sunset and when we got tired we returned the bikes in a different place and went for a very chinese dinner :)
That's all that I will say about it now, I think the pictures will tell you more and the video might show you even more :)
Today's Hong Kong post is from the day when we slept till lunch, then had a delicious Japanese lunch and so that we would make up for the morning we got on the bikes with her friend and went trough Hong Kong on bike paths :)
The bike rent for the day cost 70 HKD, we even got the baskets when we asked and off we went. It was a fun ride from Tai Wai to Tai Po, the whole journey was available on the bike paths which is great because I wouldn't like to go in the real traffic. We enjoyed this trip, we got to see a beautiful sunset and when we got tired we returned the bikes in a different place and went for a very chinese dinner :)
That's all that I will say about it now, I think the pictures will tell you more and the video might show you even more :)
slavná rybí restaurace // famous seafood restaurant |
Science Park |
Tai Po Lookout Tower |
Thank you for your lovely comments!! If you have any questions, send me an email on travelwithgeorgie@gmail.com :)