Wow, léto utíká rychle! Souhlasíte? :) Já jsem byla na blogu nějakou dobu nečinná. Ne, že by nebylo o čem psát, ale děla se toho spousta. A tentokrát jsem ve volném čase měla možnost budovat vztahy a sdílet se o zajímavosti s přáteli a s mou novou olomouckou rodinou, že jsem pak ani neměla takové mé noční potřeby ventilovat svoji frustraci nebo zamyšlení na blog :) Chtěla jsem se s vámi ale podělit o několik věcí, které byly pro mě velmi hodnotné.
Wow, the summer is just flying by, don't you think? :) I have been quite inactive on this blog lately. It's not because there would be nothing to write about. On the contrary, I have been so busy and maybe even socially exhausted that I didn't have any energy to write something interesting. I usually shared everything with my new family in Olomouc or friends, therefore I didn't write any train of thoughts that I like to write at night. However, now the time has come for me to share some of the things that I consider important :)
Wow, the summer is just flying by, don't you think? :) I have been quite inactive on this blog lately. It's not because there would be nothing to write about. On the contrary, I have been so busy and maybe even socially exhausted that I didn't have any energy to write something interesting. I usually shared everything with my new family in Olomouc or friends, therefore I didn't write any train of thoughts that I like to write at night. However, now the time has come for me to share some of the things that I consider important :)
Toto zkouškové bylo pro mě nejdelší ze všech, co jsem doteď asi zažila. Jela jsem v podstatě od konce dubna do konce června. Na konci června už jsem mlela z posledního. Samotné zkouškové bylo ale pro mě trochu vydechnutí oproti semestru ve kterém jsem měla kupu předmětů, které vyžadovaly každý týden několikahodinovou přípravu. Uf! O zkouškovém jsem zažila kupu zázraků, kdy jsem dala některé předměty, které jsem myslela, že si zopakuji, někdy jsem dostala i známku, kterou jsem myslela, že si nezasloužím. Na druhou stranu jsem zažila několik neúspěšných pokusů a jeden nesplněný předmět, který budu muset dělat znova. Velkou výzvou pro mě byl předmět o vývoji angličtiny. Má opravdu trefnou zkratku - HANG. Během semestru jsem několikrát slyšela, jak je těžké tento předmět dát a já jsem si z něj ještě k tomu zadala takovou souhrnnou zkoušku, kde je potřeba tomu opravdu rozumět. Ajaj. Zápočet jsem napoprvé nedala, což mi trochu překazilo plány s dalšíma zkouškama, ale mohla jsem jít na konzultaci s tou učitelkou a během několikadenních sezení nad učením si vyzkoušet studium v knihovně a poznat některé skvělé spolužáky :) Napodruhé jsem zápočet dala a na zkoušce byla vyučující moc milá :)
Další skvělé spolužačky jsem poznala přes předmět Americká folková hudba. Museli jsme ve skupinkách dát dohromady vystoupení a předvést to v nějaké škole. Dostaly jsme se do mezinárodní školy (to předcházelo malý adrenalin a běh a rychlá jízda na druhou stranu města), kde jsme nadšenému publiku zahrály a zazpívaly pár písní a zakončily to mimoněma.
This exam period might have been the longest that I have ever had. My first exam was at the end of April and the last one at the end June when I felt just exhausted. However, the exam period itself was quite a relief compared to the semester that preceded. I took several courses that required a several-hour preparation every week and I was taking 45 credits instead of 30. Phew. I experienced many miracles in the exam period. I though I was going to retake some of the exams, but I passed. Sometimes I got a better grade than I expected. On the other hand, I was learning to not be successful all the time, I will even have to retake one difficult exam next year. One of the big challenges was a course of History of English, which has a fitting abbreviation: HANG. I didn't pass the written exam for the first time and that meant some changes in my scheduling of the exams. However, that allowed me to go consult my questions with the teacher and study with my classmate again, get to know her and also experience studying in the library :) I passed the exam next time and the oral part was also good and I even got a good grade.
I also got to know another classmates in a course called American Folk Music, where we basically just sang. To end it, we had to perform in a school. We found an international school in Olomouc and sang to a very excited audience of kids. Their favourite was our last: Banana by Minions.
This exam period might have been the longest that I have ever had. My first exam was at the end of April and the last one at the end June when I felt just exhausted. However, the exam period itself was quite a relief compared to the semester that preceded. I took several courses that required a several-hour preparation every week and I was taking 45 credits instead of 30. Phew. I experienced many miracles in the exam period. I though I was going to retake some of the exams, but I passed. Sometimes I got a better grade than I expected. On the other hand, I was learning to not be successful all the time, I will even have to retake one difficult exam next year. One of the big challenges was a course of History of English, which has a fitting abbreviation: HANG. I didn't pass the written exam for the first time and that meant some changes in my scheduling of the exams. However, that allowed me to go consult my questions with the teacher and study with my classmate again, get to know her and also experience studying in the library :) I passed the exam next time and the oral part was also good and I even got a good grade.
I also got to know another classmates in a course called American Folk Music, where we basically just sang. To end it, we had to perform in a school. We found an international school in Olomouc and sang to a very excited audience of kids. Their favourite was our last: Banana by Minions.
Vlastně ani nevím, jestli jsem to tu někdy zmínila, ale když jsem nastupovala do Olomouce, tak jedno z největších zoufalství se týkalo hledání místa, kde bych bydlela. Na kolej jsem nechtěla a hledání bytů bylo složité. Přes taťkovu sestřenku jsem se dozvěděla o domu Lydia House, který je určený věřícím holkám. I když jsem vůbec nevěděla, do čeho jdu, měla jsem v tom všem naprostý pokoj a věděla jsem, že budu na správném místě. Tohle se mi celý rok potvrzovalo. Holky mi přirostly k srdci. Ze začátku nás tam bylo 11, v druhém semestru už "jen" 9. Pak 6 z těch zbylých státnicovalo, takže takové normální zkouškové až do června jsme měly jen 3. Díky tomu jsme se zase poznaly víc napříč kamarádstvím, které se tvořily v pokojích, protože my 3 jsme byly každá z jiného pokoje. Denní studium jsme končily večerními procházkami po okolí, nebo jsme se vůbec učily na zahradě a s domácími jsme pak grilovali. Se mnou v pokoji byla Maťka ze Slovenska. Když jsem ji viděla poprvé, vůbec bych neřekla, že se tak skamarádíme, ale přirostla mi k srdci. Zažily jsme si spolu srandu, učení, hrabání, ale také hádky a spory...ale tohle všechno utužuje přátelství a já věřím, že tomu tak bylo. Ona mi teď odletěla do Dubaje dělat letušku u Emirates a já jí fandím a vím, že se ještě uvidíme :) Všechny holky se staly mýma sestrama. I když jsem z nich nejstarší, ani jsem si tak nepřipadala. Navzájem jsme se obohacovaly, každá jiným způsobem.
I think I didn't even explain where I live in Olomouc. When I got accepted to Olomouc, I got desperate about where should I live. I didn't want to live in the dorms and looking for a place in a flat was too complicated. In the end, my dad's cousin told us about Lydia House, a house for christian gridls. I had no idea what was I getting into, but I just felt such a peace in my heard and I knew I was going to the right place. The whole year confirmed that to me. I love those girls! We started as 11 girls in one house (one bathroom, one kitchen!), in the second semester we were "only" 9, but 6 of them had their finals in May, so in June, there were only few of us and that allowed me to get to know other girls from other rooms that I hadn't had that much chance to get to know before. Inbetween all the studying, we would go for a walk, throw a pancake party or a barbecue in the garden. In my room, I had a girl from Slovakia. When she first came, I wouldn't expect how close we would get, but I love that girl! We had a lot of fun, crazy and studying times, but also some arguments and conflicts...but this all made our friendship even stronger. She finished her degree and left for Dubai to be a cabin crew for Emirates. I miss her, but I am so happy for her, and I believe that we will see each other again :) All of the girls became my sisters. And although I am the oldest one, I didn't really feel that way, I always had a lot to learn from them :) Each of us had something to contribute to the family we created :)
I think I didn't even explain where I live in Olomouc. When I got accepted to Olomouc, I got desperate about where should I live. I didn't want to live in the dorms and looking for a place in a flat was too complicated. In the end, my dad's cousin told us about Lydia House, a house for christian gridls. I had no idea what was I getting into, but I just felt such a peace in my heard and I knew I was going to the right place. The whole year confirmed that to me. I love those girls! We started as 11 girls in one house (one bathroom, one kitchen!), in the second semester we were "only" 9, but 6 of them had their finals in May, so in June, there were only few of us and that allowed me to get to know other girls from other rooms that I hadn't had that much chance to get to know before. Inbetween all the studying, we would go for a walk, throw a pancake party or a barbecue in the garden. In my room, I had a girl from Slovakia. When she first came, I wouldn't expect how close we would get, but I love that girl! We had a lot of fun, crazy and studying times, but also some arguments and conflicts...but this all made our friendship even stronger. She finished her degree and left for Dubai to be a cabin crew for Emirates. I miss her, but I am so happy for her, and I believe that we will see each other again :) All of the girls became my sisters. And although I am the oldest one, I didn't really feel that way, I always had a lot to learn from them :) Each of us had something to contribute to the family we created :)
Další věc, která mě poslední dobou velmi zaměstnávala, bylo otevření nové kavárny v Nové Pace. Náš sbor, který zakoupil budovu bývalého hotelu Centrál, zřídil kavárnu, kterou jsme 17.6.2017 mohli konečně otevřít. Věřte mi, byla to honička na poslední chvíli a nikdo nevěděl, jak to dopadne. Ohlasy jsou ale zatím převážně pozitivní. Já v Café Central pracuji brigádně, baví mě kreslit do capuccina a starám se o facebookovou stránku a propagaci. No, zatím se spíš hodně učím :) První směna, kdy jsem byla v kavárně sama, byla pro mě velkou výzvou. Nikdo mi to nevěří, ale mám takový mírný strach z cizích lidí. Chci, aby se jim u nás co nejvíc líbilo a nevím, jak je správně obsloužit, aby se cítili dobře. V tom všem se učím a hlavně se učím to všechno moc neřešit, hlavně být milá a zachovat klid, když se navalí víc lidí najednou a všichni si toho hodně objednají. Jsou to pro mě skvělé zážitky, protože mě baví, že ti lidé, co přichází, jsou různí a mají hezké reakce (až na některé). Vždy přicházím domů plna různých poznatků a dojmů a vyprávím to rodičům. Jedna z mých vizí pro tuto kavárnu bylo poskytnout ji jako páteční alternativu diskoték a barů. Chtěla jsem z toho vytvořit společenské místo, kam si lidé přijdou rádi sednout. Proto vznikl nápad udělat tematické večery, kde bude třeba živá hudba, deskové hry, anebo se zaměříme na nějakou zemi. Tím posledním jsme právě začali už tento pátek. Vybrala jsem téma, které je mi blízké - Španělsko. Celý zbytek týmu se nadšeně se mnou vrhl do přípravy a já jsem jim moc vděčná, protože všechno proběhlo nad moje očekávání. Měli jsme v nabídce tinto de verano, sangríu z bílého i červeného vína, několik druhů tapas, tanečnice Flamenca, které vymyslely a nacvičily choreografii za pár dnů, a nakonec jsme si i všichni ostatní zatančili Macarenu :) Už se těšíme na další večery! :)
Another thing that has been keeping me busy these days was opening of a new café in our town of Nová Paka. Our church had bought a building of a former hotel with a lot of space to use for something good and on the 17th of June, we finally opened the café. Believe me, the last days were tough and noone knew whether we would manage to get everything ready for the opening, but thanks to many volunteers, it happened. I work in Café Central part-time, I like preparing cappucinos and improving my latte-art skills, I am in charge of the facebook page and some kind of online marketing related to it on fb. Well, I am learning. My biggest fear in working there was the communication with people I don't know. Believe it or not. It was a big challenge in the beginning, but every time it gets better and I always come gome full of stories and findings. I am also learning to stay calm if more people come at once and order many things :) One of my visions for the café was to offer an alternative to discos, bars and pubs on Friday night. I wanted it to be a nice and sociable place that people would love to come back to. That led to the idea of creating different events, different themes. So we might have live music, board games or have evenings with food and drinks from different countries. That's what we did for the first time. I chose the theme that was closest to my heart and that I knew well - Spain. The whole team of the café got excited with me, so we created a Spanish night that happened this Friday and consisted of offering sangría, tinto de verano, various tapas, flamenco performance, macarena, spanish music and! :) I think it was a success, everyone enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next night! :)
Another thing that has been keeping me busy these days was opening of a new café in our town of Nová Paka. Our church had bought a building of a former hotel with a lot of space to use for something good and on the 17th of June, we finally opened the café. Believe me, the last days were tough and noone knew whether we would manage to get everything ready for the opening, but thanks to many volunteers, it happened. I work in Café Central part-time, I like preparing cappucinos and improving my latte-art skills, I am in charge of the facebook page and some kind of online marketing related to it on fb. Well, I am learning. My biggest fear in working there was the communication with people I don't know. Believe it or not. It was a big challenge in the beginning, but every time it gets better and I always come gome full of stories and findings. I am also learning to stay calm if more people come at once and order many things :) One of my visions for the café was to offer an alternative to discos, bars and pubs on Friday night. I wanted it to be a nice and sociable place that people would love to come back to. That led to the idea of creating different events, different themes. So we might have live music, board games or have evenings with food and drinks from different countries. That's what we did for the first time. I chose the theme that was closest to my heart and that I knew well - Spain. The whole team of the café got excited with me, so we created a Spanish night that happened this Friday and consisted of offering sangría, tinto de verano, various tapas, flamenco performance, macarena, spanish music and! :) I think it was a success, everyone enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next night! :)
Tak a tímto odstavcem článek pro teď ukončím, protože jinak bych povídala dál a dál :) Moje plány na léto původně nebyly velké, počítala jsem s prací v kavárně a s táborem, na kterém budu teď skoro dva týdny jako vedoucí oddílu starších holek. To bude švanda :) Už nějakou dobu se mi ale rýsovala určitý myšlenka v hlavě, chtěla jsem jet na Kubu, ale po rozhovoru s jedním člověkem, který by byl jakýsi zprostředkovatel této cesty přes Misii Jednoty bratrské, přišla řeč na Peru. Je to těžké vysvětlit, ale moc se mi do Peru znova nechtělo, ale čím víc jsem nad tím přemýšlela a modlila se za to, docházelo mi, že na Kubu letos nepojedu, ale pojedu opět do Peru :) Tohle rozhodnutí se mi několikrát potvrdilo jako správné, ale měla jsme pořád tendence nad tím pochybovat. Vlastně až do minulého týdne, kdy jsem se rozhodla, že v pondělí koupím letenky, ty jsem koupila a pak už nebylo cesty zpět a nemělo smysl nad tím dál tolik přemýšlet :) Moje cesta bude zajímavá a možná vyčerpávající. Já opravdu ještě ani nevím, co se všechno stane, mám jen takový volný rámec toho všeho. 4.srpna odletím z Vídně do Londýna, tam mám noc na letišti (to nebude poprvé) a ráno poletím do Chicaga. Tam budu mít den volna a poletím do Limy (s přestupem v Cancunu, hihi). V Peru budu mít 3 týdny během kterých mimo jiné oslavím své 25. narozeniny. Uáááá. První a poslední týden věnuji návštěvě lidí, které znám, sbírání dat k mé diplomce a všemu, co se naskytne. V týdnu mezitím se připojím ke skupině pár lidí z USA, kteří přijedou dělat program pro děti z těch církví, kde já jsem byla, takže já budu na tom pracovat s nimi. Teď musím vymyslet, čím můžu já přispět do programu. Z Peru poletím zpět do Chicaga a tam mě bude čekat cesta na sever, kde se během prodlouženého víkendu zúčastním události o misiji. Jsem na to moc zvědavá a těším se. Pak se mi snad podaří navštívit Sylvii, která u nás byla loni a nějaké další lidi, a 13.září poletím zpět domů, protože 18.září mi začíná další semestr. Uf!
To finish this post, I will say something abou the future.
My plans for the future weren't originally very big, I just knew I was going to our summer camp as a counselor for a group of older girls. I am leaving now and I know that will be fun. However, for some time I had an idea in my head. I wanted to go to Cuba, but after talking to a person from a Moravian Mission, the idea of going to Perú arose. In the beginning I wasn't really excited about it. It's difficult to explain why, but I am in a complicated relationship with Perú. Still, the longer I thought about it and prayed about it, I felt I was going to go to Perú and that was going to be the right thing. I had some signs for that, but I was inclined to doubt that till I actually bought the tickets to Perú last week :)
My journey will be interesting and probably exhausting. The fun and stressful part is that I still don't really know what will happen, I just have a very simple sketch of the time frame. I am leaving from Vienna on the 4th of August, sleeping at the airport in London (not the first time) and continuing to Chicago. I will have one day in Chicago and fly to Lima (through Cancun, hehe). I will spend cca 3 weeks in Perú during which I will celebrate my 25th birthday, uaaaaa. I will spend the first and the last week by visiting all the people I know and love, I will try to collect some information for my thesis, and in the week inbetween, I will join a team from the US that will come to spend time with the peruvian churches, create activities for children and be there for them. Then, I will fly back to Chicago and go north to Wisconsin to join a weekend retreat(?) focused on mission. After that I will have about a week of time to visit some more friends there and go back on the 13th of September, just in time to go again to school on the 18th. Uf! Busy times! :)
To finish this post, I will say something abou the future.
My plans for the future weren't originally very big, I just knew I was going to our summer camp as a counselor for a group of older girls. I am leaving now and I know that will be fun. However, for some time I had an idea in my head. I wanted to go to Cuba, but after talking to a person from a Moravian Mission, the idea of going to Perú arose. In the beginning I wasn't really excited about it. It's difficult to explain why, but I am in a complicated relationship with Perú. Still, the longer I thought about it and prayed about it, I felt I was going to go to Perú and that was going to be the right thing. I had some signs for that, but I was inclined to doubt that till I actually bought the tickets to Perú last week :)
My journey will be interesting and probably exhausting. The fun and stressful part is that I still don't really know what will happen, I just have a very simple sketch of the time frame. I am leaving from Vienna on the 4th of August, sleeping at the airport in London (not the first time) and continuing to Chicago. I will have one day in Chicago and fly to Lima (through Cancun, hehe). I will spend cca 3 weeks in Perú during which I will celebrate my 25th birthday, uaaaaa. I will spend the first and the last week by visiting all the people I know and love, I will try to collect some information for my thesis, and in the week inbetween, I will join a team from the US that will come to spend time with the peruvian churches, create activities for children and be there for them. Then, I will fly back to Chicago and go north to Wisconsin to join a weekend retreat(?) focused on mission. After that I will have about a week of time to visit some more friends there and go back on the 13th of September, just in time to go again to school on the 18th. Uf! Busy times! :)
Thank you for your lovely comments!! If you have any questions, send me an email on :)